The Energy Answer

A comprehensive answer to, among other things, an inconvenient truth.

Location: Warren, Rhode Island, United States

In 1979 war broke out in the Middle East. At that time I was introduced to an idea that would solve that problem and worked to get it off the ground. 11 years later in 1990 war broke out in the Middle East and I passed out pamphlets promoting this solution. 11 years later in 2001 war broke out in the Middle East and since then I have been delivering a talk promoting an idea that will end this cycle of nonsense. The purpose of this Blog is to promote this idea in a different forum. I practice primary care medicine full time in Providence Rhode Island. I have no political affiliations and engage in these issues out of my own personal interest. If you have a group that you feel would be interested in hearing the talk on which this blog is based you can contact me at

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shifting taxes; Creating Jobs

The results of President Obama's attempt to recover from recession are compared to those of Ronald Reagan. One of the most important differences between the two administrations is what happened to oil prices during their respective first terms. When Reagan came to office oil prices were at an all time high. As a result of conservation measures inspired by those high prices we cut our consumption by 20% and oil prices dropped 75% by the end of his first term.
Since President Obama came to office, oil prices have gone from $40/barrel to $90+/barrel. The stronger the recovery the higher that number will go. we can probably expect that oil prices will TRIPLE by the end of Obama's first term. Since OPEC is going to be taxing us anyway let us beat them to the punch by shifting taxes from income (productivity, good) to oil (consumption, bad). Tax gasoline at $1/gallon or oil at $20/barrel (it amounts to about the same dollars), add $1/gal or $20/b at one year and again at two years (total $3/gal or $60/b). Every dollar is rebated back to the consumer at a flat rate to his income tax.
The price at the pump may be $4.50-$5/gallon but $3/gallon comes back to us instead of going to OPEC.
If in response to higher prices we forced down the price of oil back to $40/barrel we would pump more than $400 billion back into the economy annually. That is more than half the one time stimulus package every year without raising spending or taxes.
$400 billion/year would get a lot of people back to work.