The Energy Answer

A comprehensive answer to, among other things, an inconvenient truth.

Location: Warren, Rhode Island, United States

In 1979 war broke out in the Middle East. At that time I was introduced to an idea that would solve that problem and worked to get it off the ground. 11 years later in 1990 war broke out in the Middle East and I passed out pamphlets promoting this solution. 11 years later in 2001 war broke out in the Middle East and since then I have been delivering a talk promoting an idea that will end this cycle of nonsense. The purpose of this Blog is to promote this idea in a different forum. I practice primary care medicine full time in Providence Rhode Island. I have no political affiliations and engage in these issues out of my own personal interest. If you have a group that you feel would be interested in hearing the talk on which this blog is based you can contact me at

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Increasing Supply; Increasing Demand

It would be hoped that increasing the supply of domestic energy would make us freer of foreign energy sources. Therefore, the administration has promoted:

Relaxing restrictions on domestic energy drilling.

Subsidize energy producers.

Subsidize and support research in alternative energy sources.

All of these ideas would take time to bear fruit and at least the first two are harmful to the environment. More importantly however is the fact that they would be ineffective. The laws of supply and demand make this obvious.

If you increase supply then price declines.

p ~ D/S

But when price declines then demand increases

D ~ 1/p

Therefore, when supply increases then demand increases. We end up using more energy because we have more energy to use.

Moral: We can’t grow our way out of the problem.


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